March : Art Activity
Productivity Map
Use this activity to assist you in Balancing out the moving parts
for your next upcoming project or goal.
What is the project or goal you want to focus on?
List the individual steps needed to complete this project.
~Periods of Rest~
List ways you can spend down time that replenished you.
What activities or healthy habits give you energy to move forward?

Map It Out
Utilize the incredible Awareness of Rabbit to visualize the path to and the outcome of obtaining your goal.
- Create a visual map that includes the unique aspects of the movement, downtime, and nourishment that will get you to your goal. The pattern and design is entirely up to you!
- Use a combination of shapes, images and words to represent each step to your goal and the goal itself.
- Add color for fun!
Enjoy this art activity as you invite the boundless energy
of Rabbit Medicine to lead you through creative expression, ritual,
and connecting with the rhythms of nature.

I look forward to supporting you in uncovering the mysteries of your unique artistry as you explore and integrate Animal Medicine into your life through creative expression.
Creatively Yours,
Kristen Holmberg Paradiso