North Dakota Prayer
Not a day goes by that my thoughts and prayers are not in North Dakota with the people supporting the Standing Rock Tribe. Many times I have wanted to drive or fly there to show my support. Last weekend this image came to me in a vision, strongly. I spent the past week painting my prayers into this canvas. This painting has been made in honor of the many Human Beings who have gathered together at the Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota to call attention to the need to protect our Sacred Lands, our Precious Water, and come together in Honor of the Earth.
My co-collaborator & husband, John Paradiso, has prepared the following Prayer to accompany my image.
The Earth is our home
Water is life
We are the people
Love is our light!
The Earth is Sacred
Water gives life
We are Defenders
Of what is right!
The Earth is our home
Water is life
We are Protectors
Day and Night!
The Earth is Sacred
Water gives life
We stand together
Love is our light!
We will be sending 200 images of this painting & poem directly to the Leaders of the Stand Rock Sioux tribe to have them passed out to our Brothers & Sisters holding it down in the Sacred Stone Camp. This is our way of being there. Our prayers will be there in the hearts of those who continue to struggle in the face of adversity. Our prayers will be there to comfort them on cold days and help give them hope as the struggle continues.
In addition I have added this image to my Fine Art America website for sale in all kinds of wonderful sizes and variations. ALL proceeds made from the sale of this painting will be DONATED directly back to the Tribal Leaders of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe to assist in our continued fight for justice.